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No story can ever be told fairly without some knowledge of the background to it and, while the story of the birth of the cotton trade in Lancashire, forming, as …

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Chapter 1 – A Name to Conjure With

My Grandfather James Nelson, was born in 1831, when Queen Victoria was a girl of 11, but, more appropriately for him, five years after the events of 1826, when the …

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Chapter 2 – More Looms

The sixty-four years between 1882, the founding of the firm and 1946, when it went public, divide themselves almost equally into the prosperous period up to the first world war, …

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Chapter 3 – A History Of Conflict

Lancashire achieved its fame and fortune as the first industrial society and it was achieved not without cost. The cost of riot, arson, class bitterness and hatred but most of …

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Chapter 4 – A Life Outside The Mill

From the turn of the century, Amos took an increasing interest in political matters, first local and later national. In 1900 he was elected as a liberal to the Nelson …

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Chapter 5 – The Last Chapter

After the rather lengthy digressions from the story of James Nelson’s that the last three chapters have represented, it is now time to return to that, as the First World …

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Figure 2 – James Nelson Figure 4 – Formal Group with Amos Nelson (CF) and James Eastwood on his right Figure 5 – Letter written by James Nelson on behalf …

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